dinsdag 17 januari 2012

Springhill Florida Group - Home Group News - Springhill Group Florida Home Care


In 1928, five years before the rise of Hitler, Germany’s freely elected government enacted a “Law on Firearms and Ammunition.” This law required anyone who owned a firearm, or who wanted to own a firearm, to make themselves known to the authorities. Anyone who wanted to purchase a firearm had to get a “Firearms Acquisition Permit.” If you needed ammunition, you had to get an “Ammunition Acquisition Permit.” When you wanted to go hunting, you had to get an “Annual Hunting Permit.” Every firearm that changed hands professionally had to have a serial number and the maker’s or dealers name stamped into the metal. “Proof of need” was made a condition for issuance of all licenses, not just the carry permit. Mandatory prison sentences were imposed on anyone who professionally sold or transferred a firearm or ammunition without a license. Truncheons and stabbing weapons were subject to the same licensing requirements as firearms, in terms of their manufacture and sale.

As a result of the 1928 Law, all firearms and firearms owners were registered. To take firearms from anyone they distrusted, the Nazis simply did not renew permits. Under the law, their privately created law, the Nazis could now easily confiscate all firearms and ammunition from any, or all, selected groups. The gun law of 1928 had served the Nazis well. It made almost all law abiding firearms owners known to the authorities. The 1928 law on firearms and ammunition helped the Nazis to destroy democracy in Germany, by disarming the law abiding majority, whom they feared.


A right to bear arms is the fundamental right of every law-abiding person to acquire the means to protect themselves even from their own government. One of the first things a government does when it wants to control its citizenry is to control their access to the weapons they need to defend themselves.

vrijdag 13 januari 2012

SPRINGHILL GROUP | Springhill Care Group - Springhill Group Florida – Home Care


Springhill Group Care – Providing for all levels of care, balanced with impressive facilities and exceptional staff.

…golden age living and health care at its very best…

At Springhill Care Group, our attitude is to exceed the expectations of our residents and their friends, that offer balanced with impressive facilities and exceptional staff.

At Springhill Care Group, we firmly believe in safeguarding the interests of our clients and we pride ourselves on offering the most resident friendly environment.

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